Flexible training options to meet your needs

When we develop training courses, we put our students and clients first. That means providing plenty of options and tailoring our classes to fit your needs. Are you looking to book a class for your group? Or do you need to get CPR-certified for work? Maybe you just want to learn life-saving skills so you’re ready in an emergency? Great, because we have a training option for you!

While CPR Plus specializes in on-site training for businesses and healthcare organizations, we realize this doesn’t fit every need. That’s why we also offer online/blended-learning and one-on-one courses for those who need more flexibility. We aim to make learning accessible and convenient so more people can learn how to save lives.

CPR training can be done on-site, online, and in one-on-one classes

Classes designed for everyone

Our courses cover every skill level, too. Whether you’ve never had a CPR class in your life or you’re an advanced healthcare provider, we have a class for you. Plus, all our programs meet or exceed OSHA compliance standards and AHA guidelines. So rest assured your training will not only fit the requirements of your workplace, it will also fit your learning style and skillset.

Ready to find the right class for yourself or your group? Use the the links below to learn more about each course and our company.

Certification courses for businesses and other groups

Certification courses for healthcare professionals

More about our classes and instructors

Schedule training or request more information

Contact us to request a quote or discuss scheduling. We look forward to hearing from you!